Monday, February 01, 2010

On My Camera

Kyra has taken a sever liking to using my camera lately. It's not the first time, but she's definitely gotten better in the last few years.  Now, I bet you can actually tell what the subject is in her pictures.  Sometimes...

Like this one, for example.  Definitly taking a picture of her turtle.
And our clock.  From a unique angle that I bet was totally meant to be.
Now here is where it gets a little confusing.  She's taking a picture of her own shadow.  Bet you figured that part of it out.  Things sticking out of the top of her head... are her balls.  Yep.  Still won't submit to calling them "buns."
The light from the front door reflecting on the carpet. 
You all probably wouldn't be able to figure this out unless you were sitting in my living room.  This, people, is my couch.  Up close and personal.  Apparently Kyra finds this to be an interesting subject.
It's kind of interesting to see life through the eyes of a 4 year old.


  1. haha she is so adorable! and she has great artistic sense! I especially like the picture of her own shadow. Very cute and you are such a nice Mom to let her play with your camera I keep mine ten feet in the air away from little hands!

  2. I have secretly always wanted to know what your couch looks like up close.

    The shot of Kyra's shadow is actually a neat picture, she looks like a bear to me! A cute petite little girl bear, of course.

  3. i've been having this happen at my house too ... Rachel loves playing photographer, and Becca is fast on her heels ... sometimes i'm surprised to find their photos as i didn't realize they'd had my camera at all! LOL
