Sunday, March 09, 2008

Required- As In, Not And Option

Wanna do something sweet and wonderful and down right fabulous for a new mom? Go over here and tell Jennifer how adorable her new bundle in pink is. Also, just because I asked and you love me to pieces (Heather, Joelle, Candace, Erica, Johnina and Lisa), while you're over there pass along to her the very best piece of advice someone gave to you when your first had your beautiful little girls.

Don't know what to tell her? I'll give you a head start:

The best advice given to me wasn't "sleep when the baby sleeps" or even "you know your baby best, trust your instincts." The best advice ever given to me was "don't rush to the next stage of your babe's life, and don't wish she be one step farther then she is today, because when she's walking and talking you'll be wishing she was still crawling and cooing. When she's running and climbing, you'll wish she was still toddling and reaching to be picked up. Enjoy your baby for what she is today. Take it all in with wide eyes and patience because in 3 months you're going to miss the way she looked and acted today.

Now, hop on over and give her your two cents. Was there some baby object you couldn't live without? Some words of wisdom that changed your way of thinking or doing?

What are you waiting for? You've all been there before, you know how her first few weeks and months are going to be. This is your written invitation to meet someone new and make her feel loved. So get. GO!


  1. Thanks, Alicia. I appreciate it, and I know I'm going to need lots of advice. I only hope my bundle of joy grows up as cute as yours.

  2. On my way! I love seeing new babies. You always look at them and think ,'I can't believe mine were ever that small'. They grow so fast cherish every moment

  3. You are sweet; always looking out for the new mommys...and supossidly veterns too. Your advice is right on...I only wish someone had told me that in the beginning. I was too busy looking to see what milestone she will reach next that I forgot to record all the milestones she was reaching. I'll try to think of something and pass it along to the new mommy.

  4. Sigh, I miss my snuggle bug newborn- I complied, ma'am. And you remided me to update my blog, lol.
