Thursday, March 06, 2008

I See Dead People...

Well, not me, but I think Kyra might.

Every night we put her to bed she chats away. Who she's chatting to is unknown. I assumed she was just talking to her 30 stuffed animals she insists on sleeping with, or maybe she simply enjoys to hear her own voice.

My MIL was here last week. One night she was soaking in the bath and heard Kyra chatting away again. After her bath she came to me and asked if I was in there talking with Kyra. I said no, I had been in the living room. MIL said she listened to Kyra saying things like "Hi, Papa*" and talked about "the puppies" as well as asked questions... and received answers... Apparently by someone, or something, that made my MIL think, no insisted, I was in the bedroom talking with Kyra because she heard 2 distinct voices.

What do you guys think? Do you believe in the kooky, creepy and unknown? Do you think my kid talks to the creepy and unknown?

**Kyra will call any older "grandpa age" man Papa, so I'm not so certain she was pretending to talk to her own Papa.


  1. Whoa, that is creepy! I do believe in that stuff, and now I'm curious if she really is talking to someone. Did she do that in your old house too?

  2. She did chit chat some, but in this house she's up'd the level of conversation. Before it was singing and talking to her ducky or bunny (two animals she sleeps with) and now aparently she's found some new friends.

  3. I don't even want to think about that possibility...


  4. How old is the house? Maybe you have a ghost.

  5. it won't be the first house you lived in that you shared with a ghost ...

  6. I've had some of the same weird stuff with one of my daughters. It quit after first grade, but the stories would make your hair stand up. She thought she was seeing God. After everything that happened I believe she did.
    There's that saying "having the eyes of a child"
    I really think it's true they can use senses we tune out.
    (I've heard of lots of other similar stories with them seeing past loved ones.)
    All I can say is ask her as many questions as you can. You will be able to know whats real and what's not that way.
    You have a precious gifted girl!

  7. i believe it is possible because I often talked and heard people when i was little. I think it was the base housing, but you aren't living in the base housing. Maybe the house knows you are in the military and allows ghosts to talk to Kyra

  8. She could just be talking to imaginary friends. When I was that age, I reportedly held conversations and had relationships with people who weren't there, but they weren't ghosts either because one of them was Cinderella, and we talked as much in the backyard as anywhere else. I won't dismiss the possibility of ghosts/spirits, but if that's the case, I would ask your priest for advice. Many of the things that appear to children are less friendly than they seem. Not to try to scare you, but spiritual matters should never be taken lightly.

  9. Our Kira used to speak with her Bubba alot (D's deceased grandmother). We thought it was just random chatter as well until around her 5-6mth mark and she actually said "Bubba" while staring off into space and grinning madly, and we had never referred to her as "Bubba" in the house before. (Bubba, btw, is Macedonian for grandmother though I'm sure the spelling is wrong)

    We've had so many incidents like this though, all through our family , no matter where we lived that it's just normal for us. We love it. :D
