Friday, December 07, 2007

By Show of Hands

How many of you think Jeremy and I should attempt at having another cute and cuddle baby?

You see, we've been talking about this subject since Scotland. That trip was the first time I had ever spent any kind of extended time away from Kyra and every single baby/toddler we passed I had the barely controllable urge to snatch up the unsuspecting kiddo- squeezing, hugging and kissing him/her until my little heart was content.

I chalked this up to missing my own little cutie pie and tried to dismiss the thought.

Then, oh, but then the damned thought just didn't go away! Every newborn I passed... awww, I want one! Every mother with multiple non terror inflicting children I passed... awww, I want a whole bunch of little ones!

Here is some brief background for ya: I was an unhappy pregnant person. I didn't glow. I didn't have an aura about me. I didn't enjoy one bit about being fat, uncomfortable and constantly put on diet restrictions by my doctors because I was gaining weight "too quickly". Shit, I topped out at 40 pounds.... when I was well more then a week past my due date!

Seriously, some people are meant to be pregnant, I am not. But, damn it if I don't want another one!

Jeremy and I are split 50/50 on this decision.

On one hand, we are very happy and content with Kyra and can't picture our lives with anyone other then the three of us. Not only was I a miserable pregnant lady, but I had a serious case of postpartum depression that didn't completely go away until Kyra was 9 months or so old. (I wanted desperately to off myself because I was certain Jeremy could find a better mother for Kyra then me) Frankly, I'd rather not go there ever again.

On the other hand, we keep flirting with the idea of adding to our family. We flirt, flirt, flirt. Oh, it would be so much fun to have a little baby in the house all over again. Kyra would have someone else to entertain, someone else to talk to when she can't confide in Mom or Dad (think about when you were a teen). And really, we're kinda looking at it as Kyra would have someone to hold on to when Jeremy and I are old, grey and do exit this life.

But we can't decide and we both seem to think we should figure this out, soon, like rightthisveryminute!

The thing is, we're moving to the Mason Dixon line in a little over a month. Probably to a much smaller house/apartment that we'll reside in for less then a year before the government decides to relocate us yet again. We still have Kyra's pack and play, Exersaucer, crib and various other baby items that we'll have to either find somewhere to rent and store for less then a year or get rid of these items all together.

If we decide to get pregnant again, is it worth it to save all these things in some rented cubical. Or should we dismiss this thought of getting pregnant all together.

Do you think Jer and I should take on a miserable pregnancy and a terrible postpartum depression all for the experience of having another demanding mouth to feed, first smile to witness and first steps to catch on video tape or should we forgo it all and stay ridiculously happy and content with our little family of 3 and offer to babysit for all of our friends newborns at every possible opportunity for the glory of having a quick baby fix and sending it home?

What's your call?


  1. I think you should GO FOR IT!!!! By the way we have recently found out we will be adding another to our humble abode in July!! I think you are a great Mom and every pregnancy is different, you my not feel that way this time. Also, postpartum now that you know you had it last time you will no what to look for! Come kids are great (well most of um) and Kyra would be a good big sister, and we need more decent human beings in this world,Plus it gives you more time to stay home!!! Ok just my two cents! Let us know what you decide and becareful we had not exactly decided on this new one we created, I will say it just uhhh.....kinda happend? Miss you guys!!

  2. I agree with Erica. Everyone I meet tells me that every pregnancy is different. Just because the first one was miserable does not mean the second one will be. Plus, now you know what to look for, so you may be able to preempt depression, the fat feeling, and a lot of the discomforts.

    Second thought: if you don't feel like being pregnant again, maybe you should consider adoption. There are a lot of kids out there who need homes. I know the system can be hard to work through, but it would provide you with a little one without putting you through pregnancy again.

    Personally, I think every child needs at least one sibling. Picture Kyra with a baby in her arms and a beaming smile on her face.

  3. i think you should have another. it'll be different this time cause Jeremy will be home with you and you'll have Kyra to keep you busy. i know i felt different having Sean gone when i was pregnant the second time, and seeing Rachel's reactions has just been precious (most of the time). that's my opinion!

  4. You are not alone!
    I gained 60 pounds with Braden.

    And I am totally craving New Baby.

    I say go for it!

  5. I say go for it :) But I wanted to add about the moving part, the Navy is required to store all your stuff free of charge if you have to move into something smaller. I wouldn't get rid of those baby things, just have the Navy store them :) We did that in CT.


  6. Hmmm...this is a toughy. I know we have talked before about Aeralyn and Kyra being only children and being totally fine with that. But I'm in the same boat as you are right now. I think about her having siblings for when we are dead and gone, her children having aunts/uncles to spoil them, etc. If you are feeling the urge, I think you should go for it. If you wait aroung for the right time, you'll be waiting forever. There will never be a perfect time. And since you already know you are prone to PPD, you can tell them before you have the baby and the doctors will be ready to do whatever they need to to help you have an easier time with it. Trust me, that is one of the major things that scares me about having another child too.

    Now that I've written a novel, my 2 cents is that you should definitely bring another baby into the world in the future. This world could always use a few more beautiful people!

  7. ok I just found this site. So i'm slow. I will tell you that two kids are great. They always have someone to play with. Learn from my mistake and don't wait to long. I had an iud (mirena) put in right after Bobbie. I had it removed 2 years later, trying to get pregnant. Since then I've had 3 miscarriages. Most recent was this last October. It was rough. I wish that on noone! if the thought is in your head. Run with it, Please. Learn from me. I know that my opinion means nothing to you and I Don't know Jeremy. But I hope it helps. Jennifer bowen
