Thursday, January 11, 2007

I Swear I Didn't Beat Her!

I was downloading pictures of this. Its a turtle my uncle and aunt gave to Kyra for Christmas. It has become her new favorite stuffed animal. Kyra has been carrying this poor turtle around the house all day. Playing with her other toys while never letting go of this one. She would also use it as a phone, as she's doing in the picture below. Putting its head up to her ear and just chatting away at it. I'm not sure who she was talking to, or how the turtle was transmitting so well, but it seemed to be working for her.
Roughly 10 minutes after that picture was taken, I took this next one. She was playing in her room with the Babies. They were tugging on one of their toys and Kyra thinks it is hilarious to chase them around and try to get in on the action. The Babies humor her, let her grab their toy once in a while then throw her to the ground, where she laughs hysterically, gets back up, and goes back for more. I suspect that is how the hematoma on her head occurred. (hematoma- also known as a goose egg. I'm trying to be all smart and use my medical terms!) I found her, on the floor next to her dresser, screaming in pain. I picked her up and she promptly buried her head in my shoulder. Snotting, bawling, and gasping for air from crying so hard. She didn't want me to look at her, refused to pull her head up from out of my neck. After patting her back, sh-shing her, and rocking her for quite some time she finally calmed down and got my first look at the damage. Poor baby. She wouldn't let me put any ice to her head or anything. All she wanted to feel better with was her sippy cup of water and some Cheerios.
She was obviously feeling much better when I dropped her off at Joelle's 30 minutes later. She seems as happy as can be playing with Rachel and Anton.
When I was pregnant, I begged God for a girl. I think He compromised and gave me a tom boy. If Child Services ever comes to my house, I'm sure they're going to think I beat her. Really though, she's just a girl who lacks grace.
*on another note, this is also after keeping Jer and I up all night screaming and crying because she was overly tired but couldn't get a good night's sleep due to a snotty nose that wouldn't let her breathe. On top of that, in the morning her little body decided it wanted to run a temperature of 101.9 all day. None of this, however, stopped her from playing happily. (when she wasn't fussing because she was so tired, that is)


  1. OHMYGOODNESS!! Poor baby! It's amazing how resilient kids are isn't it? She doesn't even look like anything happened to her in that last pic. I would still be crying today if it was me!

  2. You would still be crying today? I think I'd still be curled up in a fetal postion holding my head and bawling.

    And I don't think water and Cheerios would have cured me of my screaming fit. I would have been asking for some morphine.

    I know it had to have hurt, I heard her head thump on the dresser from the next room!

  3. Ouch!! Poor kid! A few inches lower, and that could have been a black eye.

  4. I know the truth! you beat my neice and put her naked in the cold on a daily basis. That is how the fevor and the bump appeared! haha...but what the hell, what doesnt kill her will make her stronger. or at least maybe learn to be more carefull! She only takes after both of us in our early tom boy ways.

  5. Yowwie!! My Kira got a bump too, but on the back of her head. :( Your little "girl who lacks grace" is just like my daughter and I. LOL!

  6. hi! my 2 month old son has a bump just like that one above his right eyebrow and i was wondering how long it took for it to go away, and how did it go away.

    thnk u!

  7. Goodness, that's been such a long time ago! And your poor baby!

    If I remember correctly, I believe the next morning it already started to look better. But the bruising that ensued took almost two weeks before it was finally all gone.

    Hope your babe waits until toddlerhood before (s)he gets anymore bumps and bruises like this one!
