Monday, January 15, 2007

Definition of Peace

There is nothing more peaceful at the end of the day then a sleeping toddler. A sleeping toddler who, 8 hours earlier had globs of Vaseline in her hair.Some of which is still there, even after 2 washings with baby shampoo, 1 washing with regular shampoo, 1 washing with a bar of soap, 2 washings with dish soap, 1 dousing of cornstarch (left to marinate for several hours) and 2 more washings with baby shampoo. Like I stated at the beginning of that run-on sentence, she still has the greasy residue left in her hair.
May the peace continue for the rest of the night... am I pushing it if I ask for it to continue until closer to 8 in the morning?
**the peace lasted until 6:30. At which time I made her stay in bed until I could pry both of my eyes open about 7.


  1. Awww this is a beautiful photo!! How did she manage to get vasoline in her hair? LOL

    When Kira got cradle cap, I put baby oil in her hair, and even after numerous washings, it still took three days to fully come out!

  2. I think we all want to exactly did this sweet innocent little child get vasoline in her hair?

  3. How adorable. And I can totally relate the the horrible greasy hair that will not go away. When my little man was about a month old he had cradle cap something awful. We read that baby oil would work wonders. Well it did EXCEPT he had a horrible grease filled mohawk for days no matter how much washing I did.

    I am enjoying your site!
