Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We Had Snow!

Fluries that is. Nothing more. But I still had a minor heart attack. Being that I was at play group, and it didn't start snowing until long after we arrived, and I was driving, with Kyra!

It was fluries. No more, no less. Well, nothing more outside of my imagination, to where I saw snow piled on the side of the roads and newly formed ice patches from all the puddles around here. Yes, I know, I get very creative when I worry. I'm all about making a mountain out of a mole hole.

Mother nature must have listened to my silent prayers that even the snow flurries would stop just long enough for me to get from play group, to the Commissary and back home. You know, before the call out the snow plows and sand trucks.

Yes, yes, I hear you all telling me what a big baby I am. And yes, I hear Jer telling me how I need to get over this whole fear of driving in the snow. Seriously, I've tried to drive in the snow, once. We made it 3 feet and I wasn't having anymore of it. The truck didn't go when I hit the gas, didn't stop when I hit the break. Oh, and the near death experience we had December '05 when Jer was driving and we did a 360 in the middle of the road. Yep, there was snow involved in that too. I think I'll stick to playing in the white powder, and leave the rest of the world to meet their fate in the stuff. Me, I'm staying home with a cup of hot chocolate.

But that was the excitement of my day today. Hope you all enjoy a good laugh on my expense. If you really want to feel sorry for someone (other then my pathetic "terrified of a snow flurry" self, maybe you should head on over to Heather's place and hear the story about her broken tooth.


  1. I would freak out the same way in any small amount of snow. I would hole myself up in the house for days on end if I had to just to avoid driving in it. I do like to look at it and play in it though. Thanks for sending your readers over to make me feel better. I do feel a million times better now that the tooth is out of my mouth. It's just really wierd having a huge gaping hole in my mouth where my tooth used to be!

  2. I would freak out too... this of course, coming from someone who doesn't drive at all because she can't park a car without taking out at least two others. Ya done heaps better than I would have!!
