Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Meme About Me

I stumbled upon Erica's page (who apparently has her own Kira, how cool is that?) while reading some comments on my lovely friends Heather's blog about her beautiful daughter's Christmas photos. Really, you all should stop by and tell Heather that she has one of the cutest babies ever.

I am: afraid to hurt people's feelings.
I want: to grow some balls. Figuratively speaking that is. You know, to stand up to some choice people who like to run over me. Figuratively speaking that is.
I have: a very difficult time telling people "no." That is unless you're Kyra or my husband(I love you, Cupcake!)
I wish: we could go home and see our families for the holidays.
I hate: stupid, snobby, cocky and/or arrogant people.
I miss: The Gulf of Mexico... God Bless it's warm summer water temperatures and soft, white sandy beaches.
I hear: the clock ticking and the computer humming.
I wonder: if we should make Kyra's crib into a toddler bed.
I regret: being so shy.
I am not: perfect. I know, this is such a shocker to you all.
I dance: very well, when I'm in shape.
I sing: alone in my car.
I cry: when I'm frustrated or hormonal.
I am not always: patient. In fact, I have very little patience, especially for the above mentioned stupid, snobby, cocky or arrogant people.
I make with my hands: delightful food for all to enjoy. I am a great cook!
I journal: most often when Jeremy's working long hours. It gives me the sense that I'm talking to another adult.
I confuse: Kyra, on a regular basis. "Does Mommy even know what she's doing with this whole parenting gig?"
I need: more hours in the day.
I should: start exercising more often then never.
I start: my mornings listening to Kyra play in her crib.
I finish: my EMT class January 7th!
I will tag: I don't know, why do I have to tag someone? Let me know if you do copy and paste this yourself. It'll be fun to read your answers too.


  1. Oh wow, you have a Kyra too!!!! How awesome!! You're the first person I've run into who has one! I'll be really amazed if our daughters share the same middle name. :)

    And your little Kyra is gorgeous - I love her pink snow suit!! :D
