Monday, December 11, 2006

Who Decided to Share Their Cooties?

Fess up. It was one of you, I know.

Kyra is been so good today. I mean, just a doll. A temper tantrum or two because she was starving to death and withering away and Mama just couldn't get dinner on the table fast enough. But other than that, she has been my sweet, darling of a daughter all day long. Until bed time that is.

Her bed time is 7. The child is like clock work. When 7 draws near, she starts fussing, rubbing her eyes and acting out because she's tired. Today was no different.

I take her, put her to bed. She fusses a bit. Not unusual. Plays for a while in her crib. Still, not unusual.

She begins to fuss some more. Okay. This is fine. Go in comfort her, lay her back down. Tell her I love her, leave the room, crack the door.

Screams bloody murder. Alright. If that how you want to play it, I'll stand here and rub your precious little head until you calm down.

Calming ensues. Leave the room. Hear her playing some more.

Fussiness begins again. Okay... check diaper. Wow, she's pee'd a lot. I just changed her 45 minutes ago before I laid her down. Well, lets get you a new diaper then.

Lay her back down. Leave the room. Crack the door, sounds of playing escapes room. Good, playing is better then crying.

Take dirty diaper down stairs. Oh, look, Jeremy's walking through the door with my Christmas presents hidden under his jacket! Now he must go hide in the bedroom to wrap the present so tomorrow I can perform the shake test 18 times or until I figure out what it is. (I'm fantastic at shaking and knowing what's inside)

Aw, crap, Kyra's fussing again. Ignore it, she'll go to sleep eventually. Um, nope, now she's all out crying. Must go save her from the vicious crib of torment.

Hmm? Is she sick? She feels warm, but the upstairs is scorching hot at the moment. Take temperature. 96 degrees even. A little low for a baby, but not bad. Kinda odd being that its so hot up here and she's sweating.

Is she hungry? She did feed herself (did you see that? she fed herself!) a mixture of mashed potatoes and corn for dinner today. Maybe more made it to the floor and into the Babies' tummies then I realized?

Give her piece of bread. Sit in front of the TV (which I rarely have on when she's awake because she's starting to be sucked in it and would rather stare blankly at the TV then play like a normal child). Keep her calm and maybe she'll fall asleep in my arms.

Ya, no. Plays with bread, tries to climb out of Mama's arms to go play with the Babies who are circling like ravenous vultures waiting for her to drop her piece of bread.

Oh, good, Daddy's back with wrapped presents in hand. Here, you take baby, I'll take presents!

Kyra plays happily with Daddy, poking him in the eye and saying "wa's tha?", grabs his nose and attempts to pull it from his face, then finds his ears and wiggles them back and forth. Must remember to thank Joelle for teaching Kyra the body parts, because this torturing of Daddy is hilarius!

Okay, well, while kiddo is awake and not going to sleep anytime soon, lets go out and pick up a few groceries. It is 9 o'clock now. Surly she'll be good and asleep by the time we get home.

Grocery shopping ensues. Wondering through the isles picking up odds and ends needed to get through the rest of the week. Glance at Kyra, she looks funny. Just tuckered out, hopefully. Take groceries to check out lane. While Jeremy's paying for purchases, puking begins.

A little at first. Reminiscent of spit up. Surely at 14 months she shouldn't be starting to spit up. We were over this a while ago.

Oh, no, wait. She's not done. More spit up, this one covers her whole front. What? Wait? This isn't normal?! Oh, God, here comes more! And its, chunky, ewww!!!

Yes, that's right. Kyra threw up chunks in the Stop and Shop check out isle. Beware of check out lane #6, it has some gross debris.

So my question I pose to you is... Who decided to share their nasty cootie virus with my daughter? I did all I could not to start up-chucking right there with her. Do me a favor, and pass the word on to all of your friends. The next time anyone feels the need to share the vomit virus with Kyra, DON'T!

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you, keep your cooties to yourself people, we have had puking people all week. I think we all picked it up at nursery on Sunday, Emmy's kids have it too. UGH :( Okay hope things are looking up, now Elizabeth is sick, 3 down and 2 to go. Hopefully Miriam doesn't get it because I know we'll end up in the hospital.
