Saturday, March 17, 2012

Just a Spoonful of Sugaaaar...!

One of the most exciting parts of my day?  Our ABSOLUTELY AMAZING local farmer and keeper of the best CSA in town is allowing us to join.... for 13 weeks!  The normal CSA runs from May through October.  We scored April through June.  And I'm certain it's only because my girls accost both the farmer and the CSA coordinator every. single. Saturday.

It helps in life to have cute kids.

Who steal produce from the table and eat it in plane sight.


Leaving our CSA program is one the THE BIGGEST things I'm going to miss when we transfer out of the Arctic Tundra.  One of the biggest things that annoys me is WE STILL DON'T HAVE ORDERS to leave the Arctic Tundra.  We think we know where we're going.  But then we thought we knew where we were going months ago..... annnnd now we're not going there.

So, all this to say that, even though the Navy hates us and finds it delightfully entertaining to keep us in the dark.... at least we'll have fresh, local produce to eat while we're hunting for a flashlight!

Also, another awesome part of our day?  Kyra had a run through of her ice skating program this afternoon.  She did great, but I hope her music doesn't get funky on her again tomorrow.



  1. awwww! she is getting so big and she skates wonderfully!!
    happy to hear that you'll at least be eating well whilst awaiting orders ;-)

  2. Hope you're keeping her in skating when you depart. She's obviously skilled! Go Kyra!

  3. When did this happen! Kyra can't be a skating super star already?!?! That was awesome to watch!

  4. That was too cute! Has it really been that long?
