Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wonderful Christmas Regrets

Christmas was wonderful. In fact, it was so wonderful that I was all caught up in watching my baby tear into the Christmas paper and admire her new book or what have you that I forgot to take a picture.

That's right. I didn't take a single damned picture of our Christmas celebration. I'm an idiot.

I even charged the digital camera's battery overnight and strung a new roll of film in the 35mm, but in the midst of all the excitement I didn't take one snapshot.

At least we put the video camera on the tripod and captured the event of opening presents. Past that, I've got nothing to show the rest of you... or Kyra when she gets older.

I'm a bad Mommy, aren't I?


  1. same here! my camera broke the damn day before Christmas! No pics of Austin ... :(

    hope you had a good Christmas!!!


  2. you're not a bad mommy ... i don't recall seeing pics of myself opening presents at mom and dad's house and my parents are wonderful, so i don't think this one event will kill your fabulous skills and reputation. lovins!

  3. No you're not a bad mommy! All you have to tell her is that you were so excited seeing her open presents that you forgot. Being a bad mommy would be staying in bed and saying "go open your presents, I'll be there in a minute".
