Wednesday, December 26, 2007

365 Days and Counting

It has only been 2 days since we celebrated our Christmas and I already miss the excitement leading up to it. I'm looking back and remembering all the fun and exciting things like we're at some kind of memorial service looking back on both the good and the bad.

The good:
-The first thing Kyra said when asked "Do you know who came last night" was "Santa Cause!" with no prompting or coaching.
-Kyra opened each and every one of her presents with pure excitement, inspected the present, then tossed them aside if it wasn't a book. If it was a book she had to flip through every single page and "read" it before she was ready to open the next gift. (Also! She received over 20 books!)
-When Kyra opened the big black garbage bag full of hand me down baby dolls and accessories (thanks Karissa!!!) she forgot all about the books and proceeded to play for hours (freaking hours!) with her babies in her bedroom.

The bad:
-I haven't taken a picture in 3 days! (what the hell is wrong with me?)
-Kyra woke up promptly at 6AM the morning we opened presents. What was up with that? I thought that kind or anticipation wasn't supposed to come for several more years.
-Kyra now trashes her room while playing with her baby dolls for hours on end. But that's not the worst of it... While trashing her room she is no longer in need of Mommy or Daddy's attention and we are now Chop Suey in comparison to her new babies, high chairs, strollers, carriers and other accompanying accessories.

Ugh, only 365 more days until next Christmas, so much to do in so little time.

And I can't wait!


  1. your posts almost always make me smile.

    Rachel had to get each present out of it's box and remove all tags before moving on to the next one (and it sometimes took some prompting to get her to open the next present cause she wanted to stop and play!), lol.

    i'm already so looking forward to having two little girls excited next year!!

  2. Sounds like y'all had a great Christmas! Aeralyn had a good time too this year. Although she got entranced with each toy/book/clothing item that she opened and we had to make her move on to the rest of the gifts.

    It is always kind of depressing when Christmas is over with. I'm counting down until next year too!
