Monday, December 03, 2007

Batter and Brownies

At just over two years old, Kyra has finally had her first taste of a brownie. (blame it on the milk allergy she had for most of her baby and early toddler days)

After supper she helped Jeremy mix the batter... or, rather, lick the spoon he used to mix with.
To accomplish this final result:
And after a thorough cleaning in the shower while the goods were baking, she got to have her first bite of a wonderful chocolate delight. First, however, she insisted (like the ham that she is) that I take a picture of her and her brownie.
After eating about half of her square, she announced she was "all done" in favor of hopping down from the table to read a book with Daddy.

Books vs. Chocolate- she picks the books every time. She makes some wonderful choices in life.


  1. I love that she insisted that you take a picture of her with the brownie. You should frame it for her.

  2. that second picture looks like chocolate brought out the devlish side of Kyra, lol.

  3. One of the sweetest joys in life! And I agree, definitely frame that last one for her.
