Saturday, November 24, 2007

You Know You're Old When...

You put your bright eyed and bushy tailed 2 year old to bed for the second time a half hour ago and now, at 10pm, you're in bed struggling to keep you eyes open long enough to writing a quick post fulfilling a NaBloPoMo commitment.

Exactly when was it my body decided 10 o'clock was my bed time? I distinctly remember 5 years ago staying up all hours of the night doing things my daughter will never be allowed to do...

Oh, wait, I wasn't one of those kids. I was staying up all hours of the night either studying, working extra shifts at the hospital, or reading a really good book.

I guess I just admitted that I went from a boring person to an older, still boring person.

1 comment:

  1. 10pm!? That's so late! How do you stay up that long?

    I'm the type of person who is in bed at 8pm. I'm not asleep yet, but I am in bed, watching TV. And I hate to admit this, but I fell asleep at about 7:30pm Saturday night. I'm really living it up while I still can, aren't I? This is my fun, carefree 20's... :D
