Friday, February 02, 2007

We Have Snow!

That's right folks, it's 7:45 in the morning and I'm dancing around waiting on Kyra to finish her pancakes so I can go play in the snow! Yea!

Pictures to follow during Kyra's nap today, stay posted.


We had about an 1-1 1/2 inches of snow. Kyra was back out waving, this time to all the snow plows. One of them was caulk full of workers, and I think Kyra made their day! They had their windows down, 4 of them in the front cab, and they slowed to a creep when passing Kyra as she waved and said "Hi-ee!" All but the driver clamored to hang out the window and in a baby voices shouted "hi!" back to Kyra. The driver gave off a couple light honks of the horn. Kyra was truly thrilled by them. They were the only ones to respond to her today.

We had a lot of fun. I had some extra fun for Lindsey. Kyra fell about a dozen times, cried, got back up and tried to make her way back to the side of the road to greet the rest of the passersby. She also ate more snow, at one point in time she was on her hands and knees eating the snow off the ground. I couldn't get my camera out in time to get a picture of that, would have been great to show the hubby. (who is sadly missing this because the boat is out to sea)

We're supposed to get a "winter mix" tonight. Hopefully that winter mix will consist of nothing else but more snow. And some thicker snow at that. We have this huge hill behind us, two brand new unused sleds, and the snow today was too powdery and not enough to be effective. I know, I watched several others try to slide down the hill, and only one person made it. They had an inner tube. Bring on the snow Old Man Winter!


  1. That is not fair. Please have extra fun playing in the snow for me.

  2. Yay! I could tell through those pictures that you two had extra fun for me. Well, except for that second picture where Kyra is crying.

  3. Ya, that second picture she made a face plant in the snow. She wasn't a happy camper. Me? I was giggling while trying to get her off of me so I could take a picture. I know, what a horrible mom I am!

  4. Looks like fun! I want snow =(. Did you get more snow over the weekend to play in?
