Friday, November 10, 2006

I Think Someone Turned on the Light

She is beginning to understand how things in life work! How exciting is this?!

~I offer her some food and if she doesn't want it, she shakes her head "no".
~I give her a toy and tell her to "go put it away" and she does! Then waits for me to clap and exclaim "Good job, Kyra!" Only then will she comes back for another toy to put away.
~When I hold up her shoes and socks, she sits down where she's at so that I can come over and put them on her feet.
~When I tell her "no", she promptly arches her back, sticks out her tummy, and makes the most pitiful face she could possibly muster in hopes of changing my mind. (oh, wait, maybe that's not such a great example)

These are only a few examples. There seems to be a new skill, a new understanding that she's learning every day. I'm so excited... I'm not talking to myself or a brick wall anymore! Yea!

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