Saturday, February 23, 2008


I made a brief trip back to the Bible Belt yesterday.

It was only for 12.5 hours dear friends who live there, don't get your panties in a wad... Most of the time I was busy sleeping the midnight hours away.

None the less, I haven't been back in almost a year and, damn, if things haven't turned into Suburbia. When I graduated high school the Bible Belt was nothing more then a bunch of country folks living in the sticks. In my 12.5 hours back, there were new roads, subdivisions, and churches.

Seriously, does the Bible Belt really needs 4 more non-denominational chuches?

When I graduated high school I yearned for something bigger. Post Kyra, I yearn for something smaller- but the place I once called home isn't something smaller anymore.

I think when we're finished with this Navy business I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope Jeremy gets a job in a town that doesn't have all that hustle and bustle.

And, with any luck, no Wal-Mart. You know once Wal-Mart comes into town things are only going down hill from there.


  1. yearned. Sorry, that one was so blatant that I just had to. An urn is a fancy vase. To yearn is to desire something with one's whole being.

    Yeah, it is a shock the way the old country places are growing into strip malls and thoroughfares. Around here I notice that the trees look a lot thicker than they are. What looks like a healthy woods is more likely the privacy border around a housing development. I don't know whether to be impressed or depressed.

    And by the by, the world can always use another church as long as it's sincere.

  2. Jennifer- I have never claimed to be an editor. If it passes through spell check then I'm none the wiser... and honestly, most of the people reading seem to understand what I mean to say- misspelled words and all.

    Thanks for the spell check, though I could care less if things are misspelled thanks to the above mentioned friends. But I did change it so as to ease your tendencies. Your Welcome.

  3. I urn(need to learn not to be a smart ass, too) to be in the Bible Belt. Sorry Wal-marts are taking over the world. WE try to avoid visiting the place like the plague- but, ya know..

    Need your new number now that the East Coast is something in your pass.

    Kisses for Kyra!

    Lisa and Kenzie!

  4. I meant in your past- before I get edited, too!

    Hugs from the Sunshine State

  5. i know a small town without any hustle and bustle and no walmart ... there are some pretty nice people living there too, and a farm Kyra would love to run all around, and a family just itching to see her again cause she's too cute!

    but, on the downside you'd have to deal with snowy winters ... and we all know how much you'd love that, lol!
