Thursday, January 18, 2007

Time for a Meme?

I was tagged by both Heather and Lindsey to do this Meme. It's a pretty easy one, and that disappoints me. I'm all about the concept of thinking. Being that I am with a 16 month old all day, and I get very few chances to have an actual adult though. But, as it is that Kyra is screaming because I put her in her dreadful bed for a nap that she is not particularly happy about, a lack of thought for this Meme is well timed.

I am supposed to grab the first book I see, flip to page 123, find the fifth sentence on that page and then blog the following three sentences.

Fairly simple right? Ya, well, I am surrounded by piles of Kyra's books, and none of them have a page 123. Nor do any of them have more then 2-3 sentences to a page.

Instead I have retrieved the book on my nightstand. Behind The Lines by Andrew Carroll. "The Yankee camps, that we took were beautifully located with fine springs running down in branches, but on Monday morning I saw those branches having their waters all colored with blood. O Mary you could never form an idea of the horrors of actual war unless you saw the battlefields while the conflict is progressing. Death in every awful form, if it really be death, is a pleasant sight in comparison to the fearfully and mortally wounded."

1 comment:

  1. I'm am off to search for a meme to tag you with that will make you use your brain. It seems you had the same problem that I did when you tried to find a book. Oh the joys of motherhood!
